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Tips To Make Learning Science More Fun

Science is a subject that can seem intimidating to learn. Because of this, there is a reluctance to learn about the subject and some students may even strongly dislike the subject. Making science fun will not only make it understandable, it will create an interest in learning. Taking the stigma out of science can make it something students will enjoy. Making science fun can include:


  • Hands-on Activities
  • Showing How Science Relates to Real Life
  • A Multidisciplinary Approach
  • Being Creative

Hands-On Activities

Field trips, lab work and projects add life to a course that is dominated by textbook work. There is an array of activities that can illustrate science principles. Make magic in chemistry class by demonstrating what different types of chemical interactions can create. Adding scientific games, model making and multimedia activities are a few ways to infuse fun into the subject.

Show Real Life Use of Scientific Principles

Science is filled with theories and formulas. Unfortunately, the highly-technical aspects may not spark an interest in some people or can get lost in translation for others. Put the theories and formulas into context. A reason science is difficult to learn has to do with the fact that students cannot relate. It can be hard to learn something when the concepts are not understood. Explain the scientific connection of what is learned in class to everyday life. Not only will this make it interesting, but students will have fun discovering that they are surrounded by science.

Take a Multidisciplinary Approach

Some students may enjoy a multidisciplinary approach. Discuss the time period when a particular discover was made. For example, talking about Louis Pasteur’s discoveries and how they were revolutionary at the time and the effects they have on the world. Another idea is to incorporate the use of journals. Journals will not only help to reinforce the material, it helps teach writing skills.

Be Creative

Remember that science is being taught to students that may not be science oriented. Integrate a creative approach. Label common ingredients with scientific names and devise experiments where students get to see the scientific process behind common activities. People tend to remember things that standout. Creating fun mnemonics can help with material memorization. Also, add humor to science. An unexpected dose of humor helps make science seem more approachable.

Science does not have to be boring, or a subject that causes anxiety for those that learn it. Taking a creative, fun and hands-on approach can ignite and interest in science. Following these tips to making science fun will not only make the material enjoyable, it will help students learn.

About the Author

Jo Harris is a writer and the Director of Content for the Morgan Law Firm,
an Austin, Texas divorce firm.
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